Hot News Indian Head Soccer Association INDIAN HEAD MD |
March 1, 2019
All registrations for Spring 2019 are closed
We at Indian Head Soccer because of technical difficulties would like to apologize for not having the website up to date.
Indian Head Soccer is in need of coaches please e-mail Dione Conley at if you are interested
1. All coaches will have to past a background check before allowed to coach
2. All soccer players would have to play in 80 % of all games that are scheduled at the beginning of the season in order to receive recognition funds. These funds typically go toward trophies. Make-up games during the season are not considered in this case.
3. All soccer players would have to participate in at least one practice session a week to receive recognition funds, unless the coach has no practice scheduled for that week; or the county cancels practice for that week. IHSA will allow one week out of the season to be missed.
4. If there are specific games or practices that you will not be attending, please tell us about those at registration. We will likely consider them and not count them to your season.
Our divisions are structured as follows:U6 boys, U6 girls, U8 Boys, U8 Girls, U10, Boys, U10 Girls, U12, Boys, U12 Girls, U14 Boys, U14 Girls, and U19 COED for Fall only
(these divisions DO play county games)
Your registration fee will include the team league fee, insurance, and jersey, shorts, and socks. The last day for a refund for Fall season will be August 13th, 2018, no refunds will be given after this date.
We are looking for volunteers for coaches, asst. coaches, team moms/team managers. If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail Dione Conley(President). All these jobs are an important part of the IHSA; without these volunteers there would be no Indian Head Soccer.
Dogs are not allowed within 100 yards of any soccer practice or game fields, this includes big dogs, small dogs, puppies & dogs on leashes. No smoking allowed within 150 feet of any soccer practice or game fields.
As of 2/2/08, Indian Head Soccer Association is implementing a "bounced check" fee of $25.00 on any returned checks and check writing privileges will be revoked for the season. If you have a returned check from registration, you must pay the "bounced check" fee along with the registration fee in cash or money order for your child(ren) to be able to play. Please contact any Board Members with questions or comments.